Wallace Lake Airport [CLOSED]

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OurAirports members at CA-0052

Wallace Lake Airport is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had no visits from members.

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Runway is gravel. As of May/2016 runway is in very good condition with some loose crushed rock/gravel on surface. Caution on shoulders/edges as are much softer than main operating surface of r/w. Runway is maintained by MB government Dept of Conservation for use as required as SEAT reload base. Before use, is recommended contact with Lac du Bonnet Fire Centre to obtain any required permission for access and for any know runway conditions. Use caution on t/o and landing as runway is crossed by road serving small quarry a cpl hundred metres north of runway edge. Also has been known to be used by ATVs and trail bikes. Very suitable for most a/c in size up to PA31 or Cessna 400 series or even Twin Otter....depends how much flying gravel you're prepared to risk. Lots of parking area in SE corner.Main issue to using runway would be any squirrelly cross-wind caused by relatively narrow clear-way in which r/w is situated....other than that , enjoy your flight.

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