Vulcan Airport

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OurAirports members at CFX6

Vulcan Airport is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had 11 visitors.

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Picture of dazuppa

Nice place to discover

Vulcan is a bit of challenge to discover, sitting "in the middle of nowhere", close to a little town next to a railroad. When approaching from the West, main runway looks as long as the town itself!

There is no doubt when you find Vulcan, as its name is written in huge white letters on the ramp. I haven't stop there yet, just touch and go's - but the place looks clean, nice, and well maintained. Reasonably wide, long, asphalt runway in a very good condition, easy approaches.

NDB sitting next to the runway is... well... not really useful. I mean, when you finally get a steady signal, it means that you are just a couple of miles from the field. Should be interesting to shoot some training approaches, though.

Picture of AlaskanWrangler


great little place. the people I met there were friendly, and quite helpful. spent some time there,

snowed in. the ladies at the library were most helpful, and didn't mind us laying out the charts, and flight planning. the fuel guys, and flying club members we talked to were a world of help, and we really appreciate our stay.

Picture of mrchristie

Prairie Jewel

A great place to fly to, situated on highway 24 which runs to Calgary to the north and Lethbridge to the south. Right next to the Vulcan airport is the golf club which boasts a great 18 hole course and you can take a short walk across a couple of fairways from the airport and have breakfast or lunch at the club house (spring thru fall only). Vulcan is a growing agricultural community about 90 minutes southeast of Calgary Alberta and lots of retired Calgarians are moving here to escape the hustle of the big city. The main part of town has shops and other restaurants to choose from. Population is about 3,000.

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