Bradford Airport

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OurAirports members at CPM7

Bradford Airport is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had 6 visitors.

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Best and cheapest place near toronto and great place to fly from....the field is well maintained except in the winter too much snow but great for ski flying need a taxi to town about 15 min....

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The strip

The guys complaining about the field must be using shopping cart wheels on their planes because its really nice and yes it has a bit of a hump but so does a camel?

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Cant beet Bradford

Nice bunch of guys who fly and dont just talk about flying

Picture of Pilotharry

Rough Surface - Nice Airport

To make the matters worse, there is a drain hole in the middle of the runway about 1/3 from the east. Its marked by a flag on the north side edge of the runway. So, If you are landing with a taildragger, try to stick close to the southern edge. Used to be a very nice flying community there but things are looking to go downside. I hope that it will re-emerge into life.

Picture of dazuppa

Rough Surface

I was always interested in visiting Bradford because of the L'il Buzzard fame ( - I think it is a great website and the whole approach of the owner is right on.

Unfortunately, the landing surface was really bad. One of the hangar folks described it to me in advance as horrible, and that turned to be true - pretty much like landing on the unprepared field with a hump in the middle. Fortunately frozen today, so bumps were stiff - and approaching through the cut in the tree line on short final was fun. Managed to almost get stuck a couple of times while taxiing, though - and overall perception of the airport was like it used to be very much alive, but went down lately.

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