Tyendinaga Mohawk Airport

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OurAirports members at CPU6

Tyendinaga Mohawk Airport is the home base for 1 OurAirports member. It has had 12 visitors.

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Picture of idleopdes


There still is a flying school here. Also about 15 a/c in the hanger. Fuel is available Mon. to Fri during business hours. After hours and on weekends you need your own key. Price is reasonable.

Picture of bcrosby

A little run down.

Did a touch and go here. Not much to see but a few boarded up windows. Nobody was manning unicom on a Sunday morning.

Downwind for 27 was pretty being along the lake shore.

The airport is just east of Trentons Control Zone, so don't forget to call them up if you are westbound!

You will find this airport in the CFS under Tyendinaga (Mohawk) airport

Picture of david

re: A little run down.

Thanks for the info, Blake. Until recently, at least, there was an active flying school here:


Picture of bcrosby

re: A little run down.


I thought it would be a lot busier than it was. There was one other aircraft behind me that was landing there. Not sure what he was going to do there.

The school might still be up and running, but closed for the summer holidays? This was a t&g so I didn't get a real good glimpse of the place, but I didn't see any other vehicles or aircraft on the field.

It had an "abandoned" feel to it.

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