Goderich Airport

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OurAirports members at CYGD

Goderich Airport is the home base for 1 OurAirports member. It has had 50 visitors.

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Picture of curlymoustache

(no subject)

Everything seemed clean and well maintained. No one seemed to mind that I was an Ultralight. Beautiful scenery all around.

Picture of Niss

Great little airport - Noone home

Arrived on Friday evening at ~6pm from Barrie. No one was home to answer unicom. Landed and the terminal was empty, they close at 5pm but leave the front open for transient pilots to use the washrooms, get coffee, or borrow a bike if need be. Beware that means there is no one for the fuel pumps and it is $100 to call out (on top of fuel, not waved for min purchase) so if you're arriving after 5 plan accordingly for fuel.

Take off over lake Erie was fun! Great airport, will be back!

Picture of

Good airport

The Waterloo flight school uses this as a standard cross country route. Not very busy and very fun approach for 14 over Lake Huron! Windsheer can get nasty at times.

Picture of StudentPilot

Great Service

The airport staff were very friendly and helpful. The grass strip was well-maintained and the terminal was very nice - full of expertly crafted models. There is also a small museum covering the airport's contribution to flight training in the Second World War.

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