Gaspé (Michel-Pouliot) Airport

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Gaspé (Michel-Pouliot) Airport is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had 12 visitors.

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Picture of david

Fees and alternative airport

I don't remember all the fees and fuel prices from my visit in the summer of 2006 -- they weren't onerous, but they were enough to annoy. On the other hand, it's a well-maintained, all-weather airport with easy access into the town of Gaspé as well as the Gaspesie region. For a less expensive alternative, there's Du Rocher-Percé (Pabok), which is slightly closer to the tourist town of Percé:

Picture of Bonnie

The best way to get to Gaspe!

Gaspe is a beautiful part of Canada, but it's so far away!!! Flying over the interior, all one sees are a few logging roads ... most of the settlement is on the shores of the peninsula. The airport staff were helpful ... the place was not busy at all. Car rental at the airport was no problem.

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