Pembroke Airport

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OurAirports members at YTA

Pembroke Airport is the home base for 1 OurAirports member. It has had 30 visitors.

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Picture of prattsoplenty

Re: Stupid Question :)

As there isn't a scheduled air carrier that serves the Pembroke Airport, the only legal way of getting your friend out east and back would be a charter flight. That would start at about $10000 for a small piston powered aircraft upwards to $50000+ for a jet. If that interests you, search for air charter in Ottawa, Montreal or Toronto. Otherwise, you might look into a limo to the Ottawa airport and then Air Canada or Westjet.

Picture of

Stupid Question :)

How do I or is it possible to have someone fly a friend to newfoundland for 3 to 4 days and then pick them up. Just wondering how much something like this would cost, and where would be a good starting point to ask around?

Picture of anjp

Weird wind

Been here a few times (always in the spring/summer months) and have found the wind to be odd. There's a some trees and a few bumps in the North ground that may contribute to this. A couple times wind has been dead on one side and 10-15 kts on the other (measured via dual windsocks installed at aerodrome). But don't let that discourage you.... great airport!

Picture of nec.timide

Professional and Accomodating Staff

What else is there to say. If you have to stay at an airport, this is one of the better ones because of the staff. Friendly, professional, helpful. Made our stay great.

Picture of Tony

NDB Approach

I flew here several times while doing my IFR rating to practise the NDB approach to runway 35. It is an interesting IFR flight from Ottawa, culminating with the classic "NDB astern of you" approach and missed approach back to the beacon. I think I might actually get to land here one day. :-)

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