Wiarton Airport

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OurAirports members at YVV

Wiarton Airport is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had 48 visitors.

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Nice and big

I went there the other night, it was very quite at about 19:30 local time. The MF frequency was unmanned but just used it as an uncontrolled airport. Very easy to see at night, lights are sufficient. Keep in mind that runway 05 has a displaced threshold, it is lighted very well to show you it is displaced.

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The airport is small but it has a big effect on the town of wiarton.

Picture of bcrosby

Where's Willie?

This airport also houses an environment canada office / weather station. If you head up to the second floor of the main terminal building (where the cafe is) you can go outside on a patio where there are some weather instruments. There is a sunshine recorder and a tool to measure clouds (I can't remember what it was called). Please obey the signs and don't touch them :) I'm sure if you arrive at the right time, you will see them launch a weather balloon to measure the upper winds!

When we landed we were greeted by someone who offered us a ride into town for a bite to eat. We declined as we just needed to use the facilities and make our way back home. Checked out the pilot's lounge... and took a quick look around the terminal building. Signed the guest register (we we approx the 15th visitor in 2009) and headed home.

Picture of SHORTIE



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