Nummela Airport

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OurAirports members at EFNU

Nummela Airport is the home base for 1 OurAirports member. It has had 1 visitor.

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Comment to Nummela's Touch & Go statement here within

Rather than prohibiting small excersizes , like T & G, I would argue that wize PR towards locals directed from the airfield administrators could benefit both sides of noise argument people more. By inviting those few "too-much-noise"-accusers (and they are few) to one or two rides in a plane could prove beneficial to the whole community in the long run. Simple PR. Yours Jyri V. Helsinki (ppl)

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Nummela (EFNU)

Nummela is a lively Airport located on a ridge formed during the Ice-age in the middle of the Nummela town. During the summer, there is a lot of glider activity conducted by the four gliding clubs operating on the airport. Flight training is also on the menu conducted by the Nummela Gliding Center.

Because the field is located in the middle of the Nummela town, we try to limit the noise to a minimum. For this reason, touch and go landing training is prohibited. Between 1900-0700 UTC (during summer 1800-0600 UTC) flights is limited to only necessary arrivals and departures

We wish to welcome all visiting aircraft’s to the aerodrome, but we advise you to familiarize yourself with the LDG chart and the existing NOTAM’s.

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