Florø Airport

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OurAirports members at FRO

Florø Airport is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had 15 visitors.

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Florø airport is the westernmost airport in Norway, with the North Sea to the west, fjords and mountains to the east, and the beautiful North Sea coast to the north and south. It is a 20 minute walk to the city center, or five minutes by cab. Florø was founded in 1860 and will celebrate 150 years in 2010.

Beware of strong wind along the coast, including the airport. Remember to check METAR and TAF before departure. Also note that as since october 1. 2009 the airport do not have 100LL fuel. You may get 100LL from the local flying club at ENBL (Førde, Bringeland) 23nm to the ESE. The tower at ENBL will help you get in touch with the club.

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