Lanseria International Airport

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OurAirports members at HLA

Lanseria International Airport is the home base for 25 OurAirports members. It has had 33 visitors.

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Delayed flight & Internet

I am absolutely shocked at how terrible Lanseria International Airport is. This is most definitely the last time I will be flying from this airport. My flight was changed to an hour later- not sure as to why because it was changed a month ago already. You book a flight to be somewhere at that time, they should t just be able to change the flight times. Sitting in Lanseria as we speak and my Internet cap has been reached within 20 min of writing emails. I am totally irritated!!!

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Delay in MN 460

Any reason for the delay in flight MN 460? Coz kulula is not saying anything? Wtfs

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Delay at lanseria

This website info is so wrong. Useless as we have a huge delay and inform site is "as scheduled"

What a joke!

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Flight Status

The flight status are outdated. Delays for more than an hour does not show.

Why have a website to check flight status if it is not updated with any changes.

Picture of swissjust

lovley airfield

I used this Airfield for additional Training flights. And once we flew into Lanseria inbound from Maputo - after a crazy 9 day transfer flight of a brand new Pilatus Porter from Switzerland all the way down to SA.

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