Shelter Cove Airport

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OurAirports members at 0Q5

Shelter Cove Airport is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had 23 visitors.

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Picture of svanarts

Beautiful approach

This airport has to have one of the most stunning visuals on approach. You have waves crashing up almost at the approach end of either runway. Just beautiful.

Picture of hamish

Great Fly-in Destination

Sheter Cove's a great fly-in destination, either for lunch or for the weekend. The airport is close to the shoreline, right in the middle of the village (it's part of the local golf course...), and there are beaches, walking trails, picnic tables, cheap camping, reasonable food, and OK hotels within easy walking distance. The location is beautiful -- part of the rugged Lost Coast, it's surrounded by mountains and cliffs on one side, the Pacific on the other -- and while it's a long, arduous, and unpleasant drive from almost anywhere else in California, it's an easy flight up the coast from the San Francisco Bay Area.

But watch out for the fog, which can close in almost without notice and make VFR flying impossible for hours if not days at a time (and there's no IFR approaches here...), and be aware that there are no aviation services (fuel, repairs, etc.) here at all.

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