Jack Mc Namara Field Airport

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OurAirports members at CEC

Jack Mc Namara Field Airport is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had 19 visitors.

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Airport Bird Control, Bird Deterrents.

Although we have not heard about specific bird problems at Del Norte County Airport, our services are often required at other airports.

Should you need bird deterrents such as; bird netting, flex track, bird slide, spike, AviHaze, OvoControl etc. please let us know. Bird Solutions International is also well versed in consulting and planning.

We are an American/Hispanic Owned Business, SBA-8(a), SBA-SDB, DOT-DBE, DOT-SMBE, DGS, SDB plus have DBE certifications in most states. Our expertise spans a wide range from military, retail to private facilities. (pre qualification statement and references available).

Headquartered in north San Diego county, California, we work nationwide. A “Samples, Facts and Information” package will be mailed to you upon request. Should you have any further questions, do not hesitate to email or call.


Mrs. Rudi Baca for,

Mr. Jeff Stafford—President,

Stafford Environmental Services, Inc,

(800) 210-9514

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