George Smith Farm Airport

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OurAirports members at KE-6873

George Smith Farm Airport is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had no visits from members.

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Picture of

Shirika Farm Airstrip

I used to fly George's Cessna 172 FR (5Y-AKL) from that airstrip in 1980/82 and remember the time nostalgically.

Is George still alive?

All the best wherever you may be.

Norbert P. (German)

Skype: Bergfrosch

Picture of

George Smith Airstrip.

Mr Smith earlier this year sold his ~480 Ha farm to a Mombasa businessman, David Lagat. Mr Lagat wants to convert the farm into an upscale residential and recreation center complete with schools, hospitals, banks and shopping malls. It is not known if the old airstrip will be made use of. The last time an aircraft used the strip was in 2011. The facility was used mostly by crop-spraying aircraft but Smith quit farming many years ago. An Indian farming family had since been leasing the land but no crop was planted this year due to the said sale.

NB: A fellow farmer of South African extraction, Petrus 'Fanie' Kruger also sold his ~2000 Ha Sergoit Farm which had a longer and busier airstrip some 15 or so km to the North East of the Smit Farm.

Cosmas Ronno

Mti Moja. Eldoret

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