San Gabriel Valley Airport

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OurAirports members at EMT

San Gabriel Valley Airport is the home base for 2 OurAirports members. It has had 29 visitors.

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El Monte Airport working on a Taxiway?

It seems like El Monte Airport is working on a the taxiway right now. The flight school called Universal Air Academy had many airplanes coming in and out of row 21. I saw N38700 flying too. I didn't fly it so I don't know how it performs but the paint job was still in fairly good condition. Yeah, they do have a "bunch" of Cessnas.

Picture of david

Rented from Universal

I rented Archer N38700 from Universal Air Academy at El Monte for 1.4 hours dual around the L.A. basin. The price was reasonable, and the plane was worn but in good shape mechanically. They have two Archers and an Arrow in their fleet, together with a Seneca and a bunch of Cessnas for primary training.

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