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OurAirports members at VLC
Valencia Airport is the home base for 10 OurAirports members. It has had 115 visitors.
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Swissport Executive Valencia Airport
🔗 Wed, 02 Aug 2017
— Anonymous Flyer at Valencia Airport, Spain Reply
You are right, handling mandatory in Valencia
We choosed Swissport Executive Aviation, much cheaper that the above :
Our aircraft, PA31 (MTOW 2,9 Kg) :
- Handling: 90,00 Eur + 21% VAT
- Landing Fees : 38,21 Eur
- No communication, FBO facilities, or Disbursement fee
But anyway, is a expensive airport
🔗 Mon, 31 Mar 2014
— @dhc17 at Valencia Airport, Spain Reply
After reading very very bad comments concerning this airport (one the worse one in Spain !), I was surprise by this airport.
As everywhere in Spain, need a handling agent.
We choose Execujet.
Here the cost for a Cessna 310i (2,3T MTOW):
- Handling: 83.43€ + 21% VAT
- Communication (?):21€ + 21% VAT
- Landing fees: 81.86€ no VAT
- Airport taxes on weight (?): 14.60€ + 21% VAT
- Distursement fee: 9.65€ + 21% VAT
- FBO facilities: 34€ + 21% VAT
Done on the 21st March 2014