Weather at Leros Airport

Public forecast

Using degrees Celsius for public forecast. Weather courtesy of Meteomatics.

Meteomatics Weather Widget

Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Leros Airport

Closest report is Kos Airport, 27.3 nm (50.5 km) SSE.

2025/02/19 20:50 (retrieved 59 minutes ago)

LGKO 192050Z /////KT 9999 FEW020 09/01 Q1021

Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Leros Airport

Closest forecast is Kos Airport, 27.3 nm (50.5 km) SSE.

2025/02/19 18:12 (retrieved 4 hours ago)

TAF LGKO 191700Z 1918/2018 35015KT 9999 FEW018 TEMPO 1918/1924 35015G25KT