Venice-Lido Airport

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OurAirports members at LIPV

Venice-Lido Airport is the home base for 1 OurAirports member. It has had 30 visitors.

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any idea for accomodation close to Lido?

Hi guys, I am planning amy very first trip to Lido airport, just for the weekend and I want to stay for 2 nights? Does anyone have an idea where to stay for that time? I do not want to pay overpriced hotels, Iยดm an ordinary aviation enthusiast without a vallet stuffed with hundred euro bills, but I want to visit as many places as possible. Spending money on my timebuilding now and want something affordable. Thanks for every reasonable idea in advance, I am more than sure that I am not the only one who will appreciate any reccomendation.

Picture of simonzekar

nice airport, nice place

Landing was 31 EUR for a C152 (2 people). Friendly staff.

Boat ride from the airport to Venice would cost 100 EUR ! Better head to Lido center on foot and use the Vaporetto station (waterbus).

Had some difficulties with the flight plan because the PC in the briefing room didn't send the flight plan.

Will come again !

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very nice place to visit

994m long the grass RWY is 05/23.we can find 100ll.the cost is 2,8 the liter.people working there is very kind.notam,metar,taf are avaliable.they intend to put internet for pilot in order to consult map and meteo site.we paid only 35 euros taxes for 3 days:1 PA28 and 3 people.

very easy to go in town ,after 15mn walk you take the boat vaporetto to go to san marco for example.have a nice trip.


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