NOTAMS for Gruyeres Airport

This is not an official NOTAM source, and NOTAMs may be missing or out of date. Includes only aerodrome-specific NOTAMS.

NOTAM B1321/23: Gruyeres Airport (LSGT)

B1321/23 NOTAMN Q) LSAS/QOBCE/V/M/AE/000/026/4636N00704E001 A) LSGT B) 2309250000 C) 2410072359 EST E) CRANE 463619N0070414E, 47.9M / 157.2FT AGL, 775.7M / 2544.9FT AMSL. CREATED: 18 Sep 2023 06:42:00 SOURCE: LSSNYNYX