Public forecast
Using degrees Fahrenheit for public forecast. Weather courtesy of Meteomatics.
Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to La Jolla Center I Helipad
Closest report is Miramar Marine Corps Air Station - Mitscher Field, 3.2 nm (6.0 km) E.
2025/02/08 18:55 (retrieved 31 minutes ago)
KNKX 081855Z AUTO VRB03KT 7SM FEW180 14/08 A3012 RMK AO2 SLP195 T01440083
Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to La Jolla Center I Helipad
Forecast is more than 12 hours old.
Closest forecast is Miramar Marine Corps Air Station - Mitscher Field, 3.2 nm (6.0 km) E.
2025/02/07 18:23 Ammendment (retrieved 1 day ago)
TAF AMD KNKX 0718/0815 18005KT 1200 VCSH BR OVC005 QNH3010INS TEMPO 0721/0800 0800 FG VV002 BECMG 0800/0802 30007KT 8000 BR OVC015 QNH3013INS BECMG 0804/0806 08005KT 9999 NSW BKN020 QNH3006INS T16/0722Z T08/0812Z AMD 1816