Goolwa Airport

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OurAirports members at YGWA

Goolwa Airport is the home base for 1 OurAirports member. It has had 3 visitors.

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Reply about Grumpy bloke

Dropped in there on the way to PLC to top up with Avgas.

Bloke getting on a bit helped me top up and I asked if he was "Grumpy"

He laughed and I think that he was quietly taken with it as I explained that I saw this on Our Airports when looking at comments about places to stop on the en route.

Great bloke, friendly and full of information and turns out that he owns the Goolwa aerodrome.

Highly recommend as a staging stop as have now called into both Goolwa and Aldinga and would put Goolwa on top of the list.

Avgas is a bit cheaper, less circuit congestion, less confusion in the circuit as no multiple runways in use.

In my view, a lot safer than flying into Aldinga.

Also some interesting machines there.

Thank you Mr Grumpy.

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Grumpy bloke

Have found Goolwa a great place to visit.

Great collection of aircraft live there and on days with good weather may see the jets come out, aerobatic mob practicing, war birds, parachutes and so on.

And all interacting with each other safely.

Grumpy old character who owns the airport who is full of character and loves to project this grumpy attitude but is all piddle and wind. Good Ole Boy. Has been very helpful.

Great place to stop for fuel (Less expensive than Aldinga) if passing by from interstate as great coastal flight along the Coorong and river Murray Mouth.

Good maintenance bloke based at Goolwa.

Also in my opinion less hassles in the circuit than Aldinga which can be highly confusing with the low time RAAUS instructors and students.

Have encountered 3 runways in use at Aldinga with woeful radio calls and actually aborted landing there one day and diverted to Goolwa as with 20 plus plus years flying could not make sense of what was going on.

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Note that YGWA has its own CTAF frequency- 126.95

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