Kyneton Airport

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OurAirports members at YKTN

Kyneton Airport is the home base for 2 OurAirports members. It has had 5 visitors.

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Latest comments for YKTN Leave a comment

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To anon

Get over your self anon they are not that bad. Get your hand off it.

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The noise from planes using this airstrip is ruining the lives of people living in the area.

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field elevation!!!

Hi guys,

Think you need to check the field elevation on the pilot info page, unless the runway is underground,



Picture of david

re: field elevation!!!

Thanks for the warning. There are a batch of smaller Australian airports where the elevation in meters was labelled as feet in a free dataset at some point in the past, and that data has made its way to many aviation web sites, including OurAirports. We're fixing the problems as we find them, and I've updated Kyneton now.

Feel free to point out any more problems, or even better, create a free OurAirports account and you'll be able to edit the airport information directly.

Thanks again!

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Kyneton Aerodrome

Kyneton Aerodrome is a regional airport which is home to the Kyneton Aero Club and a base for many privately owned aircraft

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