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If you have any queries, check their website out.

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Flights from Avalon or Melbourne Airport to Tooradin?

Are there any flights from Avalon or Melb Airports to Tooradin - we have a wedding and coming from interstate?

THanks for your help...

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Distance from Berwick

How far from here it Berwick by road is the traffic bad?

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Helicopters all night long

Do the helicopters come from Tooradin? We have had them disturbing our sleep for the past three weeks or so. We live in Koo Wee Rup and can't find out whom to ask.

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My little boy absolutely loves aeroplanes and helicopters and I was wondering if it is possible to bring him down to look around and maybe sit in a plane?

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re: any flights to king island????

Yes - I can take you in my Cesna 747-400 anytime.

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any flights to king island????

can i catch a plane to king island from there?

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