Comment "re: project not approved" on Pontiac Airpark, Canada

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re: project not approved

To the anonymous flyer,

I am very VERY shocked about this VERY WRONG affirmation!!!

I am the developper of this project and I NEVER DID a CLEAR CUT ON MY LAND! I cut the minimum trees for the runways and the taxiways. I love the bush, I was raise in the bush and I want to live in the bush.

In 2005, my neighbour cut a lot of trees on his land and an environmentalist came in my office to tell me, and the medias, that I did a clear cut! Of course, this was wrong.

This project DOES NOT NEED APPROVAL from the provincial government.

Aviation (runways, taxiways and seaplane base) is of Federal juridiction. The seaplane base is approved (check the WAS) and the runways will be approved shortly.

The provincial rules states that you can not built at less then 10 (or 15 depending) meters from the water and that you cannot disturb a wet land. Each residential lot has to follow the municipal, provincial and federal rules. As long as you follow the rules nobody will disturb your peace. The municipality will approve your implantation plan for your building permit. The project, and each lot, DOES NOT NEED the provincial approval.

The municipality is pushing me to do this project. This will be great for the Pontiac.

André Durocher.

Owner, developper.

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