List of airports tagged “power”

Airports tagged by @Seandebasti

Airports 1 to 6

heliport marker

Hubco Helipads (2x)

Hub, Balochistan, Pakistan

heliport marker

Hubco Township Heliport

Hub, Balochistan, Pakistan

heliport marker

KNPC Helipads (4x)

Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan

heliport marker

Sabiya Thermal Power Plant Heliport (Central)

Shumaymah, Al Jahra Governorate, Kuwait

heliport marker

Sabiya Thermal Power Plant Heliport (Entrance)

Shumaymah, Al Jahra Governorate, Kuwait

heliport marker

Sabiya Thermal Power Plant Heliport (West)

Shumaymah, Al Jahra Governorate, Kuwait