NOTAMS for Chuuk International Airport

This is not an official NOTAM source, and NOTAMs may be missing or out of date. Includes only aerodrome-specific NOTAMS.

NOTAM 11/013: Chuuk International Airport (PTKK)

!HNL 11/013 TKK NAV NDB NOT MNT 2311012129-2410312359EST CREATED: 01 Nov 2023 21:29:00 SOURCE: SOC-ZHN

NOTAM 11/012: Chuuk International Airport (PTKK)

!HNL 11/012 TKK NAV DME NOT MNT 2311012126-2410312359EST CREATED: 01 Nov 2023 21:26:00 SOURCE: SOC-ZHN