SWVY, MS0399

Fazenda Floresta Negra Airport
Sete Quedas, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil

Changes to SWVY, MS0399

2019-08-18 17:46:36



Changed ICAO identifier. Added local LID and pilot info link.

Changed latitude_deg from "-23.8141" to "-23.8152"
Changed longitude_deg from "-54.6988" to "-54.6985"
Changed gps_code from "SSQF" to "SWVY"
Changed local_code from "SSQF" to "MS0399"
Changed pilot_link from "" to "http://pergamum.anac.gov.br/arquivos/PA2016-1889.pdf"
Changed keywords from "" to "SSQF"
Changed zoom from "14" to "15"

2008-06-24 09:40:26

Anonymous flyer


Brazilian updates from Raul Robledo

Changed ident from "BR-SSQF" to "SSQF"
Changed municipality from "" to "Sete Quedas"
Changed elevation_ft from "1623" to "1263"
Changed magnetic_variation_deg from "" to "-14.42"

2008-06-13 14:30:04

Anonymous flyer


Initial version

Fazenda Floresta Negra Airport