Titreyengöl Helipad problem report #4137 (rejected)

(See all problem reports for Titreyengöl Helipad.)

Wrong airport information (name, codes, frequencies, runways, etc)

Date/time Member Status Additional information
2021-12-30 08:46:34 @david rejected

It looks like that site is using internal identifiers similar to OurAirports, but they would have no meaning outside that website.

2021-03-17 05:05:03 Anonymous flyer open

I added this helipad, and just noticed it got a TR-XXXX tag, and its tag is tagged TR-0043 in OurAirports but, 0043 is already exists and it is this airport: https://www.unipage.net/en/airport/tr-0043

Can we name it something else like Titreyengol Helipad or a different number since it is just a small pad with no formal info