Satna Airport

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Main tourist attractions nearby but no air service yet..Why

Satna must be connected with all major cities by air asap...It a centre of important tourism destinations nearby...Ie chitrakoot,maihar, bandhavgarh,ramban,dharkundi ,white tiger safari and upcoming sersi dam Iceland etc..

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Satna is big city in mp

To start the domestic air service in satna to some mejar cities...ex bhopal,indore,varanasi,agra,lucknow,nagpur...

Picture of Sanjib


SATNA / R/W LENGTH - 5800 FEET / R/W -11(108*) /Elevation - 1055 FEET / N24 33.90 E080 50.70 / R/W -29 (288*) / ELEVATION - 1047 FEET / N24 33.61 E080 51.66

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start airport sarvice

Satna is the most commarcial city in m.p.

So we wont airport .

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Pleas start airport service

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High Importance

Satna airport has to be started asap and connect it to all major cities in different states of India.

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Why is the delay ?

Please start airport service.

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to start airport

please start the airport of satna soon

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