Larantuka Gewayentana Airport
Tiwatobi, Nusa Tenggara Timur (East Nusa Tenggara), Indonesia

Changes to LKA, WATL

2022-11-03 16:46:45



(no change comment)

Changed name from "Gewayentana Airport" to "Larantuka Gewayentana Airport"
Changed municipality from "Larantuka-Flores Island" to "Tiwatobi"
Changed wikipedia_link from "" to ""
Changed zoom from "14" to "16"

2014-01-01 11:17:10



Added runway info. Moved marker 8.3km NNE to runway. Changed ICAO LID. Added Wikipedia link

Changed wikipedia_link from "" to ""

2014-01-01 11:17:10



Added runway info. Moved marker 8.3km NNE to runway. Changed ICAO LID. Added Wikipedia link

2014-01-01 11:17:10



Added runway info. Moved marker 8.3km NNE to runway. Changed ICAO LID. Added Wikipedia link

Changed iata_code from "" to "LKA"

2014-01-01 11:17:10



Added runway info. Moved marker 8.3km NNE to runway. Changed ICAO LID. Added Wikipedia link

Changed iata_code from "LKA" to ""

2014-01-01 11:17:10



Added runway info. Moved marker 8.3km NNE to runway. Changed ICAO LID. Added Wikipedia link

Changed latitude_deg from "-8.34666" to "-8.27442"
Changed longitude_deg from "122.981" to "123.002"
Changed elevation_ft from "57" to "63"
Changed gps_code from "WRKL" to "WATL"
Changed has_scheduled_service from "0" to "1"
Changed wikipedia_link from "" to ""
Changed keywords from "" to "WRKL"

2008-08-22 18:35:39



Batch updates for Indonesia.

Gewayentana Airport