Airports in Spain

Airports 151 to 200 of 521 (by popularity)

small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker

Don Benito


small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker


Murcia (region)

small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker

ULM de Dolores

Valencia (community)

small airport marker


Valencia (community)

small airport marker

Club Fenix ULM

Valencia (community)

small airport marker
small airport marker

Aeródromo forestal de Ademuz

Ademuz, Valencia (community)

small airport marker

Aeroclub Gregal

Albalat de la Ribera, Valencia (community)

small airport marker

Albalat de la Ribera Airstrip

Albalat de la Ribera, Valencia (community)

small airport marker

Aeródromo Alcalá del Río

Alcalá del Río, Andalucía

small airport marker

Aeródromo de Alcazarén

Alcazarén, Castilla y León

small airport marker

Alcocer de Planes Airport

Alcocer de Planes, Valencia (community)

small airport marker

Alcolea Airstrip

Alcolea, Andalucía

small airport marker

Alcolea de Cinca

Alcolea de la Cinca, Aragón

small airport marker

Aeródromo de Aldeacentenara

Aldeacentenara, Extremadura

small airport marker

Aeródromo de Algodor

Algodor (Toledo), Castilla–La Mancha

small airport marker

Almansa Airfield

Almansa, Castilla–La Mancha

small airport marker

Aeródromo Almendralejo

Almendralejo, Extremadura

small airport marker

San Enrique Airfield

Almodóvar del Campo, Castilla–La Mancha

small airport marker

Aires de Doñana

Almonte, Andalucía

small airport marker

Aeródromo de Almorox

Almorox, Castilla–La Mancha

small airport marker

Aeródromo de Antequera

Antequera, Andalucía

small airport marker

Jarde Airport

Antigua, Canary Islands

small airport marker

Aeródrome de Arcones

Arcones, Castilla y León

small airport marker

Camaleño-Artañin ULM

Argüébanes, Cantabria

small airport marker
small airport marker

Campo de Vuelo de Astorga

Astorga, Castilla y León

small airport marker

Aeròdrom d'Avinyonet

Avinyó Nou, Catalonia

small airport marker

El Manantío Airport

Badajoz, Extremadura

small airport marker

Morante Airfield

Badajoz, Extremadura

small airport marker

Chaira Airport

Baños de Molgas, Galicia

small airport marker

Campo de Vuelo Bañeres de Mariola

Banyeres de Mariola, Valencia (community)

small airport marker

Aeroclub de Barbastro

Barbastro, Aragón

small airport marker
small airport marker

Alats Club Bellvei

Bellvei, Catalonia

small airport marker

Aeródromo Belvis de Monroy

Belvis de Monroy, Extremadura

small airport marker

Aeródromo Benagéber

Benagéber, Valencia (community)

small airport marker

Benejama UL

Beneixama, Valencia (community)

small airport marker

Alto Vinalopó Biar Benejama

Beneixama, Valencia (community)

small airport marker

Benicolet Airfield

Benicolet, Valencia (community)