Member profile for @SomewhereOnWhidbey

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I discovered an interesting hobby after retiring from The Boeing Company. That led to a mix of hopes and concerns, which led to the DroneSpeak website. Note the article published with the title: How civilian drones can avoid controlled air spaces. Actually, it is more about how civilian drone system or UAV or UAS operators might, if aware and helped more than today, avoid doing anything that could endanger pilot-on-board civil aircraft. Just a seed of a concept for now, planted in various places to encourage purposeful action to reduce or mitigate risk for everyone (and everything) in the air, and below, on the ground.

Frontiers of @SomewhereOnWhidbey's travels

Langley, United States

Langley, United States

Langley, United States

Langley, United States

@SomewhereOnWhidbey's stats

Joined Sat, 04 Jan 2014.

Visited 1 airport.

Posted 0 comments.

Added 0 new airports.

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