Airports near the Isla De Pascua NDB (IPA)

Airports 1 to 50

medium airport marker

Mataveri Airport

Isla De Pascua, Valparaíso Region, Chile 1 km (0 nm) S


medium airport marker

Totegegie Airport

French Polynesia 2599 km (1403 nm) W


small airport marker

Marutea Airport

Auorotini, French Polynesia 2724 km (1471 nm) W


small airport marker

Isla San Felix Airport

Isla San Felix, Atacama Region, Chile 2907 km (1570 nm) E


medium airport marker

Reao Airport

Reao, French Polynesia 2925 km (1579 nm) WNW

small airport marker

Pukaruha Airport

Pukaruha, French Polynesia 2988 km (1613 nm) WNW

small airport marker

Robinson Crusoe Airport

Isla Robinson Crusoe, Valparaíso Region, Chile 3000 km (1620 nm) ESE


closed airport marker

Fangataufa Airport

Fangataufa Atoll, French Polynesia 3006 km (1623 nm) W

closed airport marker

Moruroa South Airport

Moruroa Atoll, French Polynesia 3024 km (1633 nm) W

small airport marker

Moruroa Airport

Moruroa Atoll, French Polynesia 3025 km (1633 nm) W

small airport marker

Tureia Airport

Tureia, French Polynesia 3037 km (1640 nm) W

small airport marker

Nukutavake Airport

Nukutavake, French Polynesia 3115 km (1682 nm) W

small airport marker

Vahitahi Airport

Vahitahi, French Polynesia 3145 km (1698 nm) W

small airport marker

Tatakoto Airport

Tatakoto, French Polynesia 3170 km (1711 nm) WNW

medium airport marker

Puka Puka Airport

French Polynesia 3334 km (1800 nm) WNW

medium airport marker

Hao Airport

Otepa, French Polynesia 3378 km (1824 nm) W

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small airport marker

Fakahina Airport

Fakahina, French Polynesia 3400 km (1836 nm) WNW

small airport marker

Nengo-Nengo Airport

Nengonengo Atoll, French Polynesia 3429 km (1851 nm) W

medium airport marker

Fangatau Airport

Fangatau, French Polynesia 3478 km (1878 nm) WNW

small airport marker

Nukutepipi Airport

Nukutepipi, French Polynesia 3481 km (1879 nm) W

small airport marker

Punta El Saco Airport

Isla Mocha, Bío-Bío Region, Chile 3522 km (1902 nm) ESE


small airport marker

Isla Mocha Airport

Isla Mocha, Bío-Bío Region, Chile 3524 km (1903 nm) ESE


small airport marker

Los Pehuenches Airport

Lebu, Bío-Bío Region, Chile 3532 km (1907 nm) ESE

small airport marker

Puerto Sur Airport

Isla Santa Maria, Bío-Bío Region, Chile 3532 km (1907 nm) ESE


closed airport marker

Anuanuaro Airstrip

Anuanuaro Atoll, French Polynesia 3537 km (1910 nm) W

small airport marker

Las Misiones Airport

Cañete, Bío-Bío Region, Chile 3555 km (1919 nm) ESE

small airport marker

Lequecahue Airport

Tirua, Bío-Bío Region, Chile 3556 km (1920 nm) ESE


small airport marker

La Playa Airport

Arauco, Bío-Bío Region, Chile 3559 km (1922 nm) ESE

small airport marker

Hikueru Airport

Hikueru, French Polynesia 3564 km (1924 nm) W

heliport marker

Dinahue Heliport

Talcahuano, Bío-Bío Region, Chile 3564 km (1924 nm) ESE

medium airport marker

Carriel Sur Airport

Concepcion, Bío-Bío Region, Chile 3568 km (1926 nm) ESE

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heliport marker

Torre Ligure Helipad

Concepcion, Bío-Bío Region, Chile 3570 km (1927 nm) ESE

heliport marker

Hospital Clínico Regional de Concepción Heliport

Concepcion, Bío-Bío Region, Chile 3571 km (1928 nm) ESE

small airport marker

Punta Galera Airport

La Union, Los Ríos Region, Chile 3574 km (1930 nm) ESE

small airport marker

El Patagual Airport

Concepcion, Bío-Bío Region, Chile 3579 km (1932 nm) ESE

small airport marker

Hueicolla Airport

La Union, Los Ríos Region, Chile 3581 km (1934 nm) ESE


small airport marker

Los Morros Airport

Cobquecura, Bío-Bío Region, Chile 3583 km (1935 nm) ESE

small airport marker

James Conrad Airport

Ranguelmo, Bío-Bío Region, Chile 3591 km (1939 nm) ESE

small airport marker

Piedra Negra Airport

Pelluhue, Maule Region, Chile 3595 km (1941 nm) ESE

small airport marker

El Budi Airport

Teodoro Schmidt, Araucanía Region, Chile 3597 km (1942 nm) ESE

small airport marker

Guadaba Airport

Los Sauces, Araucanía Region, Chile 3598 km (1943 nm) ESE

small airport marker

Torreón Airport

Coelemu, Bío-Bío Region, Chile 3599 km (1943 nm) ESE


small airport marker

Napuka Island Airport

Napuka Island, French Polynesia 3599 km (1943 nm) WNW

heliport marker

Quinn Heliport

Valdivia, Los Ríos Region, Chile 3607 km (1948 nm) ESE

small airport marker

Las Marías Airport

Valdivia, Los Ríos Region, Chile 3607 km (1948 nm) ESE


small airport marker

Takume Airport

Takume, French Polynesia 3609 km (1948 nm) WNW

small airport marker

Quivolgo Airport

Constitucion, Maule Region, Chile 3613 km (1951 nm) ESE

small airport marker

Quilpe Airport

San Pablo, Los Lagos Region, Chile 3613 km (1951 nm) ESE

small airport marker

Los Confines Airport

Angol, Araucanía Region, Chile 3616 km (1952 nm) ESE


small airport marker

Pupelde Airport

Ancud, Los Lagos Region, Chile 3617 km (1953 nm) SE