CLOSED Kincardine (Ellis Field) Airport
Kincardine, Ontario, Canada

Changes to CNK2

2009-03-12 23:12:34



the march-12 to may-7 CFS marks this airport as closed :(

Changed wikipedia_link from "" to ""
Changed region_code from "CA-ON" to ""
Changed region_name from "Ontario" to ""
Changed region_local_code from "ON" to ""
Changed country_code from "CA" to ""
Changed country_name from "Canada" to ""

2009-03-12 23:12:34



the march-12 to may-7 CFS marks this airport as closed :(

Changed pilot_link from "" to ""

2009-03-12 23:12:34



the march-12 to may-7 CFS marks this airport as closed :(

Changed keywords from "NK2, CNK2" to "NK2"

2009-03-12 23:12:34



the march-12 to may-7 CFS marks this airport as closed :(

Changed gps_code from "" to "CNK2"

2009-03-12 23:12:34



the march-12 to may-7 CFS marks this airport as closed :(

2009-03-12 23:12:34



the march-12 to may-7 CFS marks this airport as closed :(

Changed keywords from "NK2, CNK2, CNK2" to "NK2, CNK2"

2009-03-12 23:12:34



the march-12 to may-7 CFS marks this airport as closed :(

Changed local_code from "" to "CNK2"

2009-03-12 23:12:34



the march-12 to may-7 CFS marks this airport as closed :(

Changed ident from "CA-CNK2" to "CNK2"
Changed type from "small_airport" to "closed"
Changed gps_code from "CNK2" to ""
Changed local_code from "CNK2" to ""
Changed wikipedia_link from "" to ""
Changed pilot_link from "" to ""
Changed keywords from "NK2" to "NK2, CNK2, CNK2"

2008-06-13 14:30:04

Anonymous flyer


Initial version

Kincardine (Ellis Field) Airport