Airports in Sabah, Malaysia

Airports 1 to 36 of 36 (by popularity)

medium airport marker
medium airport marker
medium airport marker
medium airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker

Layang-Layang Airport

Pulau Layang-Layang (Swallow Reef)


small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
small airport marker
heliport marker

Station Lima Helipad

Pulau Layang-Layang (Swallow Reef)

heliport marker

Station Mike Helipad

Terumbu Mantanani (Mariveles Reef)

heliport marker

Station Papa Helipad

Terumbu Peninjau (Investigator Shoal)

heliport marker

Station Sierra Helipad

Terumbu Siput (Erica Reef)

heliport marker

Station Uniform Helipad

Terumbu Ubi (Ardasier Reef)