Markham Airport

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OurAirports members at CNU8

Markham Airport is the home base for 1 OurAirports member. It has had 21 visitors.

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Picture of Abouna

Friendly flying school

Where i had my first solo.

The home for Canadian Flyers School where I recieved my training. People are amazing. Very knowledgeable, friendly and supportive.

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Old Bold pilots, Sid and a wonderous field of dreams, Can av

Haven't been there since Sid was the major domo. Times change.

Glad to hear it is still being used, by pilots. I recommend you disregard

the negative waves of the poster above. Yeah Sid might have been Sid,

which meant no time for fool's. But at 17, he was 'the man', to me.

A 'hail fellow well met'. Taught me what a short field 270 degree approach

should look like. And other things from the characters that haunted Sids

majical aerodrome.

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Markham Airport CNU8

Great airport ,great training facilities and very friendly people. There is a lot of ex military fighter jets on display. I'd recommend this airport to everyone.

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This is an extremely unfriendly and PPR strip which is too bad because it is perfectly situated to take full advantage of Buttonville closing - and has some old RCAF jet parts onsite.

I recommend you make your forced landing in an adjacent field before this place!! Go to Greenbank or Lindsay instead.

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