Airport comments for New York, United States

Comments 51 to 100 of 133

Picture of sr22pilot1


very friendly, great place for breakfast. onsite pilot shop.

Picture of Bill35
Picture of ptomblin

re: Fees and fuel price

Reply to @david: Rochester briefly flirted with forcing the GA traffic to taxi to the commercial side for customs, but after several "incidents" in the first week, went back to meeting GA on the GA side.

Picture of ptomblin

re: anyone flown into here from Canada?

Reply to @david: That surprises me because Alexandria Bay is a tiny airport compared to Watertown. It's also PPR, and not listed as an AOE by the FAA. I think that listing may be for boats. The FAA still lists KART as an AOE, and like most small airports you have to call the nearest customs office 2 hours ahead of time.

Picture of david

Fees and fuel price

Fees and fuel price for a piston single (2012-06-17):

No landing fee

Ramp fee $20 (waived with fuel purchase)

Parking $10/night (first night waived with fuel purchase)

100LL: $7.17 (changes daily)

Customs does not meet aircraft at the FBO -- she said it's necessary to taxi to "the commercial side".

Picture of david

re: anyone flown into here from Canada?

Watertown is no longer listed on the CBP web site as an airport of entry:

Customs may still be willing to drive down from the bridge, but there are nearby official options at Alexandria Bay (89NY) and Syracuse (KSYR).

Picture of david

Customs fees

The customs fee is $25 for a piston single or $50 for a piston twin (with landing fee waived). More information here:

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NDB AL 219 kHz "HAWKY" Decommissioned

AL 219 kHz "HAWKY" decommissioned Jan 2007.

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Woman, 85, claims she was strip-searched at JFK airport

An 85-year-old woman said she was injured and humiliated when she was strip-searched at an airport after she asked to be patted down instead of going through a body scanner.

Transport security officials have denied allegations by Lenore Zimmerman, who said she was taken to a private room and made to take off her clothes after she asked to forgo the screening because she was worried it would interfere with her defibrillator. She missed her flight and had to take one two-and-a-half hours later, she said.

"I'm hunched over. I'm in a wheelchair. I weigh under 110lb (50kg)," she said. "Do I look like a terrorist?"

But in a statement the Transportation Security Administration said no strip search had been carried out.

"While we regret that the passenger feels she had an unpleasant screening experience, TSA does not include strip searches as part of our security protocols and one was not conducted in this case," the statement read.

Zimmerman was dropped off by her son at JFK airport in New York for a 1pm flight on Tuesday to Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on JetBlue, she said. She arrived at the ticket counter at about 12.20pm and headed for security in a wheelchair, her metal walker in her lap.

She said she had been traveling to Florida for at least a decade and had never had a problem being patted down until now. "I worry about my heart, so I don't want to go through those things," she said, referring to the advanced image technology screening machines at the airport.

As a result, she said, she was taken into the private screening room by a female agent and made to strip.

"Private screening was requested by the passenger, it was granted and lasted approximately 11 minutes," the TSA said. "TSA screening procedures are conducted in a manner designed to treat all passengers with dignity, respect and courtesy and that occurred in this instance."

The private screening was not recorded.

Jonathan Allen, a TSA spokesman, said a review of closed-circuit television at the airport had showed that proper procedures before and after the screening had been followed.

Zimmerman said she banged her shin during the process and it bled "like a pig,", partly because she is on blood-thinning medication. She said an emergency medical technician patched her up, but she was told to see a doctor when she arrived in Florida to make sure the wound did not get infected. There are no records indicating medical attention was called on her behalf.

"I don't know what triggered this. I don't know why they singled me out," she said.

Her son, Bruce Zimmerman, said: "My mother is a little old woman. She's not disruptive or unco-operative. I don't understand how this happened."

He said she had had an increasingly difficult time travelling, especially since her husband died a few years ago. She has two grandchildren and her older son, a doctor, died in 2007.

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I'd like to be the first visitor, you're fairly close to us.

I'm looking for a home for my 1942 Taylorcraft - L - 2A

My qualifications: aircraft does not eat much, does not take up much space and is fairly quiet, is not very heavy - "will not leave deep ruts." It is in original trim.


Brian Neri

Boston, New York

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I just wanted to thank you for killing all of our turkeys and deer with out even trying to solve the problem in other ways. There are sprays that can be used to discourage deer from wanting to eat your run way. The tall grass around your runway should be kept low, this would not allow the animals to feel as safe. Simple harrasment with blanks would do wonders. or best yet fencing the property would be the best answer. but killing them all, come on use some sense and this could be solved in a much less abrasive manor.

Picture of evorbach

Little Bakery

Nice airstrip. FBO is kind of not much, but there is a great little bakery on the airport. Grandma's? Anyway - great hot coffee and good fresh baked goods. They are going to start serving breakfast as well, but even if they don't - I would go back.

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Grumman Widgeon painting departing Maus Marineland Seaplane

If you are interested in a painting of an amphibian at Maus, check out

In the portfolio section, you will see the painting (prints are available).

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re: Republic Aviation

I also joined the Air Force. Learned to fly. Got to sit in the cockpit of a F-105 as a kid.

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Republic Aviation

I grew up there. When I was a little girl, 6 or so, I asked my mother what Daddy did at work. She said: ask him when he gets home. After dinner, I did. He asked me if I wanted to go to work with him on Saturday. He had to go in on Saturday for 3 hours in the morning. So, I went with him. Even though he was in meetings "up the street" as they called it, (Conklin Street), I stayed in his office, in the main hanger above the assembly line and watched them build the F-105. I used to sit on the 3 foot wide cat walk, 4 stories in the air with my feet dangling over the side. We did this for years. Then we would pick up his dry cleaning in Farmingdale and do the food shopping at the A& P on Broadway in Hicksville and go home. 1957, we started this. The truth is that had my father and many of the middle management people not fought to keep the plant open, Fairchild would have closed it as fast as Northrup closed Grumman. But Republic stayed open till 1988. 20 plus more years.

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Love your house

I will one day have an official FAA code for my private landing pad. :-)

Picture of david

Prior permission required

From the FAA record (no local phone number):




Phone 404-659-1440


PO BOX 776


Phone 315-482-3800

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Testing anonymous comments

Testing IE8.

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testing anonymous comments

Testing using Firefox.

Picture of evorbach

Columbia County

Not a bad place - nothing fancy at all. Winds get a little weird I think b/c of the proximity to mountains and the Hudson River Valley. Nice people, didn't really seem to notice us as transients though. Cheap gas which is nice. Surprised that they didn't have a weather station other than local AWOS. No PC or internet. Quick stop is fine though.

Picture of evorbach

Take a Pass on this one

ASOS was off line during approach. Landed b./c my passenger needed the bathroom. Thought I'd get some fuel as well. No dice - closed on Sat and Sun!! No self serve fuel. Guy that was there told us he got laid off and used to work there - let us use the head, but no gas. On the way out ASOS was working - must have turned it on. Wow. ASOS message said no services on weekends. What a dump. I will avoid this place like the plague. Maybe if they sold some gas - the guy would have had a job.

Picture of KC2CXW

re: Former site of Republic Aviation factory

Reply to @david: The original tower as well as 2 of the hangers remain on the east side of the field. One of which houses the American Airpower Muesum. They have a nice collection of war birds. Memorial day, and Labor day, they usually have airshows, with a few nice fly-ins.

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Trminals numbers

The terminals numbering system is extremely confusing. Kindly add more signs.

Picture of david

re: anyone flown into here from Canada?

Yes, I've cleared customs at ART. Unfortunately, I had to wait 30 minutes, because the customs people forgot about the meeting and didn't leave the bridge until I called on my cell phone.

If it's VFR weather, a better option is 89N Alexandria Bay/Maxson Field:

It's much closer to the Thousand Islands Bridge, so it's easier for the officers, and you don't have to wait as long if they forget.

Syracuse (KSYR) also has customs nearby, as does Ogdensburg (KOGS), which is at the next bridge down from the Thousand Islands Bridge.

Picture of ptomblin

re: anyone flown into here from Canada?

I have, but only pre-9/11. It required 2 hours prior notice by phone, and don't you *dare* get out of the plane before the customs guy gets there. (Although it's ok to stand on the wing and pee if you have to - but only if you have a low-wing.)

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anyone flown into here from Canada?

anyone flown into here from Canada?

Picture of david

Bomb scare

Early in the morning of 1 August 2009, LaGuardia was evacuated because of a passenger carrying a fake bomb, resulting in huge delays:

Picture of evorbach

ramp fee

$25 bucks for me to drop off a friend from my C172 seems somewhat excessive. Understand they need to make money and have no issue with that, but attach a value to the service. I was at the ramp for a moment and they had their hand out. Will go out of my way to avoid Exec air again.

Picture of ptomblin


This airport was closed some years ago and all the aircraft moved to KRME.

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re: Lufker Airport

Great airport

Picture of david

Customs and LGA

LaGuardia has customs available for general aviation, but unlike EWR and JFK, it doesn't have a separate international section with customs lines, etc. As a result, it handles only domestic U.S. scheduled airline flights, as well as a few from Canadian airports that have U.S. customs preclearance facilities. A lot of its traffic is shuttles up and down the east coast and out to Chicago.

It was a huge deal for me when Ottawa added customs preclearance in the late 1990s, because then I could fly from YOW straight to LGA and take a cheap, fast taxi ride into midtown for business meetings, instead of having to fly to Newark and take a long, slow cab ride in, then try to bribe a NYC cabbie to take me all the way back out to Newark for a late afternoon flight home.

Picture of david

Continental Connection/Colgan Air Crash

On 12 February 2009 Colgan Air 3407, a Dash 8 Q400, crashed into a house six miles short of runway 23, killing everyone on board and one person in a house on the ground:

Picture of ianturton

JKF Sucks

This has to be one of the worst airports it has ever been my misfortune to fly through. We had to queue outside in 100 degree heat to get to check as non of the automated check in booths was working. No staff to help!

Coming back - there is no direct wheel chair access from plane side to immigration meaning my wife and I were separated as she walked to immigration and I was wheeled out of the airport and backwards through customs and immigration to finally have our passports stamped.

The whole environment of the airport is dirty, dark and generally horrid, I will try really hard to never travel through here again.

Picture of ptomblin

Wrong ID?

FAA uses 14NY for Windy's Heliport, Melville.

Picture of ptomblin

Wrong ID?

The FAA uses 'NY91' for Cloverdale Farm.

Picture of ptomblin


Another one that used to be in the FAA data, and isn't any more. I'm reluctant to close it, because it's private and a private individual might have their own reasons to not appear in the FAA data any more.

Picture of david

re: Hmmm

I'm reluctant about merging heliports with each-other, since they can sometimes be very close (especially in Urban areas), and these two have different names. I'll keep an eye open for more info.

Picture of ptomblin


I added this one from FAA data, and it appears to be in exactly the same point as O01, which is not in the FAA data. They should probably be merged.

Picture of ptomblin

Not in FAA data

Not in the FAA data set, but it's obviously there in the satellite picture.

Picture of david

re: Maybe closed to itinerant, but it's still open

I checked again with the Burlington controller when I overflew this summer, and he said that the field is closed completely now.

Picture of ptomblin

Maybe closed to itinerant, but it's still open

It's still marked as open in the FAA data, although it has a remark "ARPT CLSD TO ACR & TSNT ACFT." I'm not sure what "ACR" is, but "TSNT" is obviously "transient". I assume that means it's open to based aircraft.

Picture of 32Aret

Brooklyn Coast Guard Air Station

In the early 1980s, this was known as Brooklyn Coast Guard Air Station. I landed there in a helicopter to drop a passenger. We had flown down the Hudson River for about 100 miles, did a bit of sight seeing around Ellis Island, the Statue of Liberty and the south tip of Manhattan, before getting here. We just landed to drop our pax and immediately took off to the north east, about halfway between JFK and LGA, followed the coast for a while and headed into BDL for fuel before coming back to YOY... I had never seen so many airliners in my life all in the air at the same time as around NYC!

Picture of WeirdJerry

Landed there 8/08

Not much there. It's easy to find due to the paper mill just north of the airport, which also provides an aroma.

There's parking at the south end, and a pay phone outside the fence. Nextel/Sprint cell service N/A.

Picture of david

Lindbergh's departure point

The airport that used to be located here was Charles Lindbergh's departure point for his transatlantic flight. It closed in 1951, and is now the Roosevelt Field Shopping Mall.

Picture of david

IFR clearance

Plattsburgh is uncontrolled, but for an IFR clearance before taking offyou can call Burlington Clearance Delivery on 121.7 MHz.

Picture of david

Fees and cookies

I came into the airport on a diversion to get out of icing. For a piston single, Sheltair collects a $7.50 landing fee and a $4.50 parking fee on behalf of Clinton County (the airport owner), and they can't be waived (the parking fee was for a one-hour stop). On the bright side, they gave me a fuel discount that amounted to over $12, which is pretty-much the same as waiving the fee.

The FBO staff is extremely friendly -- asked if I needed a ride into town, drove me to and from my plane, and had free bakery-quality chocolate cookies ready and waiting. If you don't object to the fees (which aren't the FBO's fault), it's a nice place to stop.

Picture of david


Fees and costs from Atlantic Aviation (phone 607-644-1062) for a single-engine piston aircraft, 2008-05-11:

Landing fee: $0

Ramp fee: $10 (waived with fuel purchase)

Parking: $10/night

Hangar: $75/night

100LL: $6.12/gallon

Binghamton is a Customs User Fee airport. I haven't called to find out what the fee is, but you can clear in Syracuse, Watertown, or Alexandria Bay for free coming from Canada.

Picture of Warrior481

Nice stop

Lake Placid was a wonderful stop. The area is beautiful, the FBO personnel are friendly, and the Olympic ski jumps are next to the airport. There is a free Trolley service that runs a loop through town, including the airport. Ask the FBO staff to call the Trolley. We ate lunch at The Cottage on an outdoor deck overlooking Mirror Lake. Great food, wonderful scenery.

Picture of ptomblin

re: New York City's first airport

The first time I flew commercial into New York City I saw this underneath us as we were being vectored around. I didn't notice the historical aircraft, but there were plenty of helicopters.

Picture of david

New York City's first airport

Located in Brooklyn, this was the first municipal airport serving NYC. During World War II, it was Naval Air Station New York. According to Wikipedia, the runways are still usable, and the airport is occasionally reopened for air shows. The NYPD still has a heliport on site, and there is a display of historical aircraft.